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The Economic And Clinical Impact Of Switching To Okcel Haemostats

Written by Daniel Garrett | Apr 10, 2024 8:24:00 AM

The NHS is under considerable pressure at present as it faces a combination of challenges including record waiting times, staff shortages, and real-time budget cuts. Optimising theatre budgets is crucial, but it must not be at the expense of patient care and safety.

Haemostats play a crucial role in enabling surgical teams to gain rapid control of bleeding, which ultimately impacts patient outcomes and the cost of operations. As healthcare providers continually seek ways to enhance clinical efficacy while optimising limited resources, the decision to switch your oxidised cellulose haemostat supplier can yield significant economic and clinical benefits which we'll discuss further in this article.

More Efficient Surgical Procedures

Okcel haemostats have a higher surface area and greater absorbency potential than traditional haemostats, which contributes to faster haemostasis. This can expedite surgical procedures, reducing the time that patients spend in the operating theatre. By streamlining theatre processes, healthcare providers can improve operational efficiency, allowing more patients to receive care and, potentially, cutting the overall costs associated with prolonged surgical procedures.

Reduced Supply Chain Costs

Okcel haemostats are available in various forms, including standard, heavy-duty, and cotton wool, offering greater versatility to meet different surgical needs. Due to Okcel being available in four different formats and 18 sizes, theatre managers can streamline inventory by eradicating the need to purchase multiple product brands, creating a simpler supply chain. A simpler supply chain means less money will be spent on procurement and storage without compromising the quality of surgical procedures and patient care.

Improved Post-Operative Care

From a clinical perspective, the full absorption of Okcel haemostats within 21 days, without leaving residues, can reduce the risk of postoperative complications. This will lead to an improvement in patient outcomes, while fewer resources will need to be allocated to postoperative care. As well as enhancing patient satisfaction, switching to Okcel haemostats can deliver much-needed cost savings, thereby optimising the use of finite financial resources.

More Efficient Use Of Theatre Time

Okcel haemostats can achieve haemostasis in less than three minutes, contributing to a positive impact on operational efficiency. Surgeons are likely to observe noticeable improvements in workflow as faster procedures will lead to better use of limited theatre time. As a result of increased efficiency, more patients can be treated within the same timeframe, improving standards of care and helping to erode waiting times.

The Economic Benefits Of Okcel Haemostats: A Case Study

Switching to Okcel haemostatic products presents compelling economic advantages, as evidenced by a significant £350,000 cost reduction reported by a leading cardiac NHS Foundation Trust upon shifting from a traditional haemostat supplier. Substantial savings on this scale can have an acute impact on a theatre manager's budget, freeing up resources that can be better deployed to other essential areas, such as staff training, equipment upgrades, or facility improvements.

Find Out More

For more information about how Okcel haemostats can improve your surgical procedures, cut costs, or improve patient outcomes, simply request a financial analysis from Uniplex today.